Monday morning, I am feeling good and it's a new week. I hit the ground running. I go see the GYN and he is awesome! He tells me that the cysts on my cervix do not look like cancer but he is going to do a pap and an internal ultrasound on 8/21 to be sure but not to work. Great doctor's appointment, I am happy and feeling good and head to my office. I have supervision and then begin typing case notes. Bang, all of a sudden I am dizzy, feeling like I am going to pass out, pain in my chest, my arms are tingling and numb, facial twitching. Amazing Stacy comes to sit with me and she can't find my pulse right away (lol great I died!). I really think it's time to go to the ER. I am not taking the BP meds so we can't blame them anymore. My boss is amazing and drives me to Borgess where Danni is the first to arrive to meet us and Steve soon after.
The hospital begin running test on my end organs because of my blood pressure. They are worried that I have end organ damage which usually refers to damage occurring in major organs fed by the circulatory system (heart, kidneys, brain, eyes) which can sustain damage due to uncontrolled hypertension. Katie was with me for the CT scan on my head and my chest x-rays. When we get back to the room, Timmy was there. He brought the heavy to the ER. Thank you Mike and Brian for watching Ty! I must say it really takes a village to make sure I am okay. :)
These tests come back okay but I was admitted so they can do an MRI to check for a stroke and a stress test to check my heart. Isiah and Timmy went to get groceries so I can get some type of food before midnight when I have to start fasting and Katie stayed with me so Steve could tuck in Mr. Ty. They were like a well oiled machine. Isiah brought me back blueberries. It was a lot of in and out but I remember people and what was done but I am foggy and can't remember conversations and I think my timeline is correct. PK came to sit with me and Timmy brought dinner (I love his hamburger noodles). Danni once again spent the night next to me in case I needed her.
I had the MRI, an electrocardiogram, a stress test, a PT evaluation for vertigo and was diagnosed with vertigo. At this time, we do not know what caused the vertigo. I was put off work until I saw the doctor on 7/26/19.
The hospital begin running test on my end organs because of my blood pressure. They are worried that I have end organ damage which usually refers to damage occurring in major organs fed by the circulatory system (heart, kidneys, brain, eyes) which can sustain damage due to uncontrolled hypertension. Katie was with me for the CT scan on my head and my chest x-rays. When we get back to the room, Timmy was there. He brought the heavy to the ER. Thank you Mike and Brian for watching Ty! I must say it really takes a village to make sure I am okay. :)
These tests come back okay but I was admitted so they can do an MRI to check for a stroke and a stress test to check my heart. Isiah and Timmy went to get groceries so I can get some type of food before midnight when I have to start fasting and Katie stayed with me so Steve could tuck in Mr. Ty. They were like a well oiled machine. Isiah brought me back blueberries. It was a lot of in and out but I remember people and what was done but I am foggy and can't remember conversations and I think my timeline is correct. PK came to sit with me and Timmy brought dinner (I love his hamburger noodles). Danni once again spent the night next to me in case I needed her.
I had the MRI, an electrocardiogram, a stress test, a PT evaluation for vertigo and was diagnosed with vertigo. At this time, we do not know what caused the vertigo. I was put off work until I saw the doctor on 7/26/19.
- The definition of vertigo is the feeling of a sense that your environment is spinning. It is a form of dizziness.
- Seek medical attention for any signs or symptoms associated with vertigo.
- Treatments for vertigo include self-care home remedies, medications, and physical therapy maneuvers.
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